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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Resolved: I am an earliER morning person

Well I tried. I really thought getting up at the crack of dawn to fit my workouts in was going to be a good thing. I wanted to exercise in the mornings to get a good start to the day and have more time in the evenings, but it's just not working out. Half because going to bed early is boring and half because working out at the end of the day is better. Better because I have more energy than in the morning and have accumulated stress during the day to work off.

So, after a good two months of attempts, turns out I'm not an early morning person after all...and I'm okay with that.

Oh, and I had leftovers for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. nice. i knew you weren't an early person but it's nice to know you're an earl(ier) person. i'm starting the evening workout plan too. we'll have to compare notes. :)
