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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I like to work, design, and cook

I can't help it. I like what I do. I like to design and create things. Work has been very busy and I've been trying to keep up with all the projects going on as well as keeping things balanced and I've been doing pretty well. Regular planning and scheduling keeps things from getting out of control. And making time for the gym, creative things, and not neglecting other areas of my life helps tremendously. I'm lucky to work with everyone at Red Mat. They are talented where I'm not–thank goodness for that. They keep writing me checks every month so I must be doing something right.

My condo is STILL up for sale or rent. I'm not quite sure what else I can do to get someone else living here.

And on a side note, Russ and Carrie came over for dinner last week. I made hamburgers and this was the size of the lettuce. Having gotten it at the super Wal-Mart, I'm pretty sure any produce sold at Wal-Mart is grown with tons of pesticides and hormones...hence the gigantic leaves of lettuce.

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